How do I use Luna Display with Astropad?

Astropad can be used together with Luna Display, allowing the iPad to become both a second display and a pressure-sensitive drawing tablet. You do not need the Luna apps to run Astropad and Luna Display together, but you will need a Luna hardware unit.

The setup process is the same for both Astropad Studio and Astropad Standard.

How to Run Astropad with the Luna Hardware

Connect your Mac and iPad using the Astropad Mac app and the Astropad iPad app
Plug the Luna Display hardware into your Mac.
Once your Astropad apps detect that a Luna hardware unit has been plugged in, your Mac and iPad should switch to an extended display instead of mirrored, and the Luna Display Settings menu should appear on-screen.

If I use Astropad, do I still need the Luna Display apps?

The Luna Display apps will only need to be used for firmware updates to the Luna hardware.

How can I choose which app automatically opens with Luna Display?

In Astropad's Preferences, select the Luna Display tab. Under "When inserting Luna automatically open" click the dropdown menu and select between Luna Display or Astropad apps, or alternatively choose to disable any apps from automatically opening.

What if I want to switch back to Astropad's mirroring?

Select Move & Zoom in Astropad's sidebar. With the Luna hardware unit still plugged in, a screen switching option is available at the very bottom of the screen. This allows you to toggle between Luna Display, and mirroring your Mac screen or any additional monitors.

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