[iPhone] How to set up NFC Automations in Shortcuts

You can set up basic shortcuts in the Bookcase app, so make sure to check out the Bookcase NFC is paired with your iPhone guide first!

Then, you can set up automations to open an app or a website when your iPhone is placed in Bookcase using the Shortcuts app. 

The videos included with each section will cover both the NFC pairing within the Shortcuts app and the creation of the shortcuts. The written instructions beneath each video will cover only the shortcut creation. 

Shortcut: Automatically open an app when your phone is placed in Bookcase

1. On the screen titled When "Bookcase" is detected, select Open App under the Get Started section. 

2. Tap the blue App text next to Open.

3. Select your desired reading app from the list that appears, then tap Done in the top right. 

Your chosen reading app will now automatically open when your phone is placed in Bookcase!

Shortcut: Automatically open a website when your phone is placed in Bookcase

1. On the screen titled  When "Bookcase" is detected, select New Blank Automation under the Get Started section.

2. Tap on the grey search bar at the bottom of the screen.

3. Select Web under Categories.

4. Tap on Open URLs under your preferred browser; we are using Safari for this example.

5. Tap on the blue URL text and type in or paste your preferred website, then tap Done

Your chosen website will now automatically open when your phone is placed in Bookcase!

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