Using VPNs with Luna Display

The use of VPNs with Luna Display is unfortunately not officially supported. VPNs can block our Luna apps from communicating with each other. Luna communicates over the local network so it requires both devices to be on the same network connection. Since VPNs generally reroute this traffic to different networks and hide your IP address, as this is what they are designed to do, using a VPN may interfere with Luna's communication.

While connected to a VPN, Luna may work using methods like split tunneling, though this may not fit everyone's use case. Due to the variance in how different VPNs are set up and how your VPN is configured, we would not be able to provide guidance in setting this up. In some cases, Luna may be able to work on a wired connection using a USB cable for Mac-to-iPad or PC-to-iPad, or an Ethernet/Thunderbolt connection for Mac-to-Mac, however, it is possible that the VPN may still interfere with the connection.

The only VPN that we have encountered that does not seem to block communication for our apps is a VPN called Tailscale. The caveat to this is that both devices need to be connected to the Tailscale VPN when using Luna Display. This is due to Tailscale maintaining a consistent IP address for all devices connected to it, which is needed for Luna Display to function properly. While we still maintain that VPNs are not officially supported by Luna Display, this may be a solution for users intending to use a VPN with it. 

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